So I'm a bit late in posting. Got too relaxed over the holiday weekend, then had company today. It was a successful week - not too exciting, but things are going well!
I'm enjoying my workout area and getting tech set up to run BitGym on tv. It makes my runs so much better!
This weeks' stats:
Weight: I lost about 1/2 pound
Exercise: I successfully completed this weeks' Couch to 5K workouts. It was week 4, so the workout was the same each of the three days:
5 min warmup walk (3.0 mph), 3 minute jog (at 5.2mph), 90 second walk (3.4 mph), 5 minute jog (at 5.0 mph), 2 1/2 min walk (3.4mph), 3 minute jog (at 5.3 mph), 90 second walk (3.4 mph), 5 minute jog (5.1 mph), 4 1/2 min walk (3.4 mph), 10 min walk (3.0mph)
Here are the past two days on the Garmin:
The average calories I burned were 556 for three days or 239 for all seven.
My average calories were 1533, a bit higher than I would like. I relaxed over the holiday weekend, as you can see below. Gotta get the intake at a better level.
This next week I plan to add two more days of activity to the schedule. I've already got the bike set up for a virtual ride tomorrow morning before work and if the sun shows itself at all this week I would like to hike the grade. If not, I'll try to do an incline walk on the treadmill. I plan to watch the calories as I have been, but to make better choices on the weekend. I actually was down more weight at one point during the week, but after the weekend the scale is up a bit. I also plan to take a few photos of things going on around here, but I'm too tired right now and still have laundry to fold!
Hope your week makes you hoppy!
The Marsupial Maven
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